Kitchens and Bathrooms
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Wash the accessories very well with soap and water and let them dry thoroughly before storing.
Store the leftover paint, keeping the container tightly closed and protected from direct sunlight and humidity.
Recycle or reuse the materials used for the protection and isolation of areas and place the empty containers in the recycle bin.
First paint the ceiling with the help of a ladder or an extender.
Paint the angles of the walls around the frames of doors and windows and along the baseboards using a paint brush.
Continue with the roller to paint larger areas.

If you also wish to paint the doors, windows and baseboards, do so after painting the walls and ceilings, finishing with painting the baseboards.
Cover your furniture, household appliances, countertops and bathroom fixtures with plastic.
Remove objects such as lamps, pictures or mirrors from the walls and ceiling being painted.
Insulate doors, windows and baseboards, electrical outlets and switches with tape and plastic or paper. Protect the floor from any possible drips or spills with plastics.
Clean the surfaces and remove any accumulated fat or mold using a wash solution and water.
On tile surfaces, use a medium or thick grit sandpaper to allow for a better adhesion of the primer or paste.
Remove remnants from previous paint, repair cracks, cover and level the surface. Respect the drying times of the paste.
Apply a primer to cover blemishes and improve the adherence on painted surfaces first.

Use Multineuce primer to allow for the adhesion of the Aqualur enamel on tile surfaces.

If you wish to coat a tile wall with filler and leveler, first apply a coat of Imperneuce mixed with cement.
Kitchens and bathrooms are environments with the highest concentration of vapors and fats. For greater resistance to washing and protective fungicidal, paint with Aqualur aqueous acrylic enamel and choose from three types of finish (gloss, satin and matte). If you want a matte and smooth finish, opt for Aqualur matte.

Painting tiles:
The success of the painting job depends primarily on the tile surface preparation. Make sure you prepare the surface properly and that you choose the appropriate primer. Before painting, please read the information and instructions on the packaging and on the product datasheet.